Thursday, April 18, 2013

Volunteers needed -- online signups!

And here's the post you've all been waiting for ;) ...

The success of this year's spring event, like all those before it, will depend heavily on our community stepping up and stepping in to create a strong and joyous foundation!

We need help in the following areas:

NOW: Raffle item procurement:
This effort is both theme- and time-focussed this year and we really need it done by Friday, April 26 (right around the corner), so please pick up your form(s) from the office and talk to your favorite prom-night retailers!  (See our raffle procurement post for details and ideas :)!)

NOW - MAY: General volunteering:  
Allison Bernat (contact info) has stepped up to be our Volunteer Coordinator this year -- thank you, Allison :)!  She and her husband Ric have created a super-clear online volunteer signup sheet:

The PVPA last year asked each grade to especially focus their volunteer efforts on one or two specific projects during the coming years -- and the spring event was the focus asked of our 5th and 6th grade families.  If you have a child or children in these grades, please consider digging a little deeper into your volunteer-willingness than you might on a normal day ;) to support the school for this special event!

NOW - MAY: Specific volunteering: 
If you have skills in photography, computers or auction software, A/V, or bartending, we can probably hook you up with a specific event team--please contact Kirsten or Kimmy (contact info).
ADDED MAY 15: We need technology-comfortable people and bar help!

IN MAY: Food:
In a couple of weeks we will be asking the community to sign up to provide fingerfoods (both savory and sweet) for the event -- we are suggesting "high school noshies" to coordinate with the "prom" theme, so put your thinking caps on about what fun-but-tidy(!) fingerfood you might like to contribute to the party!  We're excited to see what people bring.  Please keep an eye on your email/by the front office for food-signups :).
ADDED 5/15: CLICK HERE for more on bringing food :).

Thank you :)!