Thursday, May 9, 2013

Food? Food. Food! Yeah :)!!

Alright, ticket sales are underway, our first raffles are about to be awarded, and the event is next Saturday ... let's talk about food :)!

We are asking PVS families to donate the food for the "Starry Night" event.  If you love to cook (or to buy and provide) food, you can sign up to help here
or on the pale blue signup sheets at school [posted outside every classroom and in both entrances].

To go with the "prom" theme, we are asking that people think about bringing high-school noshies: what did you like to eat at parties when you were in high school?  We'll need both sweet and savory.

To add a challenging twist, we are asking for all food to be reasonably tidy finger-food (we plan to provide cocktail plates and napkins, but not utensils).

So, here's where you get to be creative, One-Bite style: how can you make your favorite high-school food (1) finger-food sized, (2) tidy, and, if needed, (3) adjusted so that it's tasty to an adult palate?

Your contribution can be store-bought or homemade.  (Please label ingredients if possible.)  We will of course be happy to see all food contributions, since high school was not always an inspiring period in everyone's food history ;).

If you have some mad gluten-free skillz or other specialized dietary cooking know-how, please lay that on us and label your dish(es) loud-and-proud, so that everyone who attends can find something to enjoy eating that night :).

We are looking forward to seeing what people bring to share with our community:)!!

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Need ideas?

For the determined chef, perhaps you could bring salad rolls or rice balls.  How about sliders (small-sized versions of your favorite burger or sandwich)? Two-bite pieces of meatloaf? Three-bite pieces of pizza?  Buffalo wings?  Were you an early adopter of sushi?

For those who don't like to cook, were you the person who always brought the 2 lb bag of M&Ms?  (That was me ;).)  Bring the M&Ms in a fancy bowl (because now you are a grownup ;) ) -- one and done!  Or make it a little more adult / Portland / slow-food: pick up some bulk, organic, chocolate-covered almonds at New Seasons (you can even pick them up on the way to the party, if you are coming from west of the highway, but remember your serving bowl ;)! ) ... or pick up something (just about anything!) from Trader Joe's the day before :)!

Cheese cubes or slices of salami are classic party tray staples -- you can go pure high school with Hormel, or amp it up by buying from a local charcuterie or cheesemongery counter (aka, a deli ;) ).

Baked goods that can be cut into finger-food-sized pieces are awesome: not just cookies/brownies, but how about a savory item, like cheese-bread?  I recall discovering bread bowls with spinach dip right around the time I graduated high school ... (mmmm, spinach dip ... also very tasty with some sturdy, store-bought corn chips ... )

This morning -- without exposing the source, since I don't know whether she plans to bring these or not (although I hope she does, because I totally want to try them!) -- a PVS mom, when asked what she liked to eat in high school, said she and her friends loved bagels spread with cream cheese, with barbeque potato chips on top(!) ... a high school food like that can become fingerfood just by slicing it into smallish segments :).  (If she doesn't bring those, I'm totally going to have to buy some Kettle Chips and try it at home, yum!)

Yay food :)!!  Go PVS community :)!!

Again, signups will be online (see top of post), or on paper at school (hopefully sometime Friday May 10).
-- Kirsten :)!