Tuesday, May 14, 2013

babysitting during prom

Looking for babysitting?  Don't forget to ask the older PVS kids!

Not sponsored by the school, some 6th graders from Mr O'Brien's class, along with PVS mom Janice Lucas, have offered to watch some kids just across the street from the event, at the Peninsula Park Commons' common space.  (Two PVS families live in Peninsula Park Commons -- the orange condos with the vibrant gardens, the donuts at Halloween, and the huge ice-cream party in the summer :).)

Janice and the 6th graders are asking $5/child for 7pm-10:15pm (please pick up your child(ren) promptly by 10:15pm).  By reservation only, contact Janice (see information in the school directory*) if you are interested.

* We don't publish contact information on the blog because that would lead to spam emails and spam phonecalls.  You can ask at the front office if you have misplaced your directory.